- byline
- имя автора статьи
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
BYLINE — «Ce fut une musique inconnue qui me réveilla; j’avais déjà entendu beaucoup de chansons, de cantiques, mais jamais une mélodie comme celle là. Vive, fantasque, enjouée, elle devenait par moments plus rapide, puis retombait, et l’air me rappelait… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Byline — [von russisch volkstümlich bylina »was gewesen ist«] die, / n, früher Starine, das alte russische epische Lied von unterschiedlicher Länge (meist 300 400 Zeilen). Die Byline gestaltet legendäre und historische Stoffe (besonders des 11. 16.… … Universal-Lexikon
byline — UK US (also by line) /ˈbaɪlaɪn/ noun [C] ► COMMUNICATIONS a line at the top or bottom of a newspaper or magazine article giving the writer s name: »The article appeared in The Economist under her byline … Financial and business terms
byline — ☆ byline [bī′līn΄ ] n. a line identifying the writer of a newspaper or magazine article vt. bylined, bylining to supply a byline to (an article) … English World dictionary
byline — 1926, line giving the name of the writer of an article in a newspaper or magazine; they typically read BY … Etymology dictionary
byline — ► NOUN 1) a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article. 2) (also byeline) (in soccer) the part of the goal line to either side of the goal … English terms dictionary
Byline — The byline on a newspaper or magazine article gives the name, and often the position, of the writer of the article. Bylines are traditionally placed between the headline and the text of the article, although some magazines (notably Reader s… … Wikipedia
Byline — La byline (en russe : былина bylina, pluriel былины byliny) est une forme traditionnelle de la poésie narrative héroïque de la Russie ancienne, transmise oralement à l origine[1]. Les bylines content les hauts faits de bogatyrs (preux… … Wikipédia en Français
byline — I. noun Date: 1916 1. a secondary line ; sideline 2. a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article, or book giving the writer s name II. transitive verb Date: 1938 to write (an article) under a byline • byliner noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Byline — Eine Bylina oder Byline (russisch Былина) bezeichnet ein mittelalterliches russisches Heldenlied, Volkslied oder Volkserzählung mit mythologischen Elementen (Epos). Zu den wichtigsten Bylinen zählen das Igorlied, Sadko, das Epos von der Schlacht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
byline — /buy luyn /, n., v., bylined, bylining. Journalism. n. 1. a printed line accompanying a news story, article, or the like, giving the author s name. v.t. 2. to accompany with a byline: Was the newspaper report bylined or was it anonymous? Also, by … Universalium